AI GuidedPrompt
Guided prompts provide structured input-UIs to guide the user in instructing the generative Al model on the desired output. They are helpful when users want to specify certain attributes, styles, or parameters for the generated content.
Guided prompts offer control and precision in generating output that aligns with user preferences. All provided information is combined into a processable prompt in the back-end and the user only needs to select the desired option instead of verbalizing them in a custom prompt.
AI Guided Prompt with Popover​
Use when the prompt is related to a specific input and the options are limited and quick
AI Guided Prompt with Dialog​
Use when the prompt use-case is more complex, when lack of horizontal space or already very high information desity on the screen
AI Guided Prompt with DynamicSideContent​
Use when the prompt use-case is more complex and you want to use the available screen space efficiently